You can perform a backup of all below 18 parameters using a USB memory stick (front panel port) or SD Card (rear panel slot) to save user presets. Please note, if you have both USB and SD card inserted simultaneously, the USB will take priority. 

  • MIXER 1 and MIXER 2;
  • System XY Routing Configuration;
  • Channel Source Selection Channel Output ‘Send’ Levels; 
  • Channel Pan/Balance 
  • Channel Format Selection 
  • Input User Names 
  • Bar graph Configuration (including Scale, Ref, Zero etc.) 
  • GPI Mode 
  • Internal LS Mute Status 
  • External LS Mute Status 
  • Surround Mix Coefficient 
  • User Preset Name 

Hold down the Home Button for three seconds and this will give you access to the SAVE menu as seen below.


If an external device is inserted, the 'USB Save' option will show on the bottom right on the screen as seen in the screenshot above. Once pressed, it will save your settings into the USB or SD card. Press 'Back' once done.

Click this link to learn how to load presets from an external device: How to load a preset from an external device on a TSL AVM-T-MIX