The latest SAM-Q-SDI software can be downloaded directly from the Audio products support section in TSL products website via the below link: 

This page also displays the software update release notes.

The software update folder can be found under the 'SAM RANGE'. 

Update Procedure 

1. Download the latest SAM-Q-SDI software from 

2. Place the downloaded file into the root of a USB thumb drive. 

3. Power up the SAM-Q-SDI whilst holding in the F1 button until you see the following display. 

4. Insert the USB thumb drive into the front panel of the SAM-Q 

5. Select the ‘Update from USB’ option. 

6. Wait until the software update has completed. 

7. When complete, the SAM-Q will return to normal operation. 

8. Remove the USB thumb drive.

To check if the update has been successful, navigate into the User Menu of the unit (hold the small rotary encoder on the left of the unit) and select 'About' using the source select buttons.