As per the above image, If you are only seeing the table column headers once the page has loaded, please check the following:
- The Web version is correspondent to the P1 software version.
Once logged in, navigate to System Configuration to obtain the P1 and web versions installed on the unit and refer to the attached release notes if the correct web/software versions are installed. For example, if the unit's P1 version is V2.26, the web version must be V1.32.
If they are not, please contact [email protected] who will provide the correct and latest software version.
- Perform a factory reset of the unit
If both versions are compatible, this issue is caused by a corrupted configuration file. On the System Configuration tab, save the current configuration and perform a factory reset of the unit. This will wipe the current config and reset the unit to default settings. Once this is done, you can load the configuration file.
If you still experiencing issues, please contact [email protected] who will have a closer look.