A factory reset of a TSL AVM-T-MIX is required after performing software updates or when troubleshooting issues. 

To perform a factory reset it is necessary to remove power from the unit and then re-apply power whilst holding the the Home button until a message appears to confirm that Factory Default has been reloaded. Press Home once more and you will be able to operate AVM-T-MIX with the new firmware active.  

The Home button is located just below the TSL logo on the left side of the screen, as seen below: 

Please note: The action of restoring Factory Default status will remove any stored memories from the AVM-T-MIX. Please backup and restore memories from an external device if required. 

See this article on how to backup and restore a configuration file on an AVM-T-MIX: How can I perform a backup of my presets on a TSL AVM-T-MIX?