On your .tms configuration file, navigate to the top of the tree and add a new system interface, as seen below:
Set the IP address to be the same as the Tallyman and with a unique port. This new system interface allows the unit to be used by TMVP. Add a new interface for each TMVP that is to be connected.
Save your configuration file once done.
On TMVP, navigate System -> Import to import the .tms configuration file.
This gives TMVP all the information it needs about the IP of the unit, the ports it can use to connect and the devices connected to TallyMan that it can now control.
You can check if your configuration file has been imported correctly by checking the file path under 'System' at the bottom of the TMVP interface, as per the example below.
Once ready, navigate System -> Connect on Interface and select the system interface created on step1, as per the example below.
If successful, you will be able to see a green icon next to settings.
If the connection keeps failing, check that TMVP is not blocked by the firewall (or just turn the firewall off). Also check that the TM Virtual panels.exe program has full read/write permissions in the folder that it lives in.
If you are experiencing any issues, please contact [email protected]